Tagged with potatoes

The secret to crispy oven fries…

The secret to crispy oven fries…

There are few things better than a roasted potato with a nice crunchy crust and a soft, fluffy inside. Halfway there, and you have slightly soggy potatoes that are perfectly palatable but lacking that awesome fry-like texture. Too far past the crunch point and you get burnt potatoes…which are significantly less palatable. I haven’t done … Continue reading

Colombian Chicken Soup (Ajiaco)

Colombian Chicken Soup (Ajiaco)

When it’s cold out, few things are as comforting as a steamy bowl of hearty, brothy soup. Your house is filled with tantalizing aromas while it cooks, your belly is warmed while you eat, and you generally have delicious leftovers for a few days. When we were in Colombia, we had the pleasure of sampling ajiaco. … Continue reading

What to do with…romesco.

What to do with…romesco.

So, you diligently follow my blog and made a big batch of romesco sauce following my recent post, right? Now, what do you do with it? You put that s*** on everything. I won’t lie: I ate a spoonful (or two) straight up. It’s like a savory-spicy nut butter. Romesco is traditionally served with seafood, … Continue reading

Cracklin’ Crackling: Pork Belly Roast

Cracklin’ Crackling: Pork Belly Roast

Dear Pork Belly, I am so, so sorry that I mistook you for ribs and almost put you in the crockpot. That would have been a tremendous waste of your delicious, fatty, crispy potential. Thankfully, all’s well that end’s well, and with a little help from Jamie Oliver, we fully realized your potential. And then … Continue reading